To edit a page, click the Edit tab above the page title.
How to edit a page
On the edit form, use the Edit buttons on the right side of the page to open the components you want to edit.
Clicking the Edit button on a page component opens up the set of fields in that component/section for editing. That same Edit button can then be used to collapse the component again. Body text fields use a standard HTML editor with controls for things like bold text, bulleted lists, and images. When finished editing, click Save.
Adding revision notes
Every time you save an edit to a page, a new revision is created. You can add revision notes, which can be helpful when working on a page each time you save your changes. This allows you to access a page's change history and backtrack when needed. These notes will always appear in the page's change history making that easier to navigate. For more on revisions, see How to undo (Working with revisions).
A note about copying text content
When copying text content from another document (such as a Word document), it is important to paste "clean" text and not to bring any formatting from the other document into the website. You can do this by first copying the text into a text editor (like Notepad) and then copying the text from there into the website. Alternatively, when pasting the text, you can right-click and select "Paste without formatting" or "Paste simple text." Once the plain text has been copied, you can add formatting back into the body using the available editor controls.